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The Slovene Union of Naturist Clubs


The Slovene Union of Naturist Clubs  (Zveza društev naturistov Slovenije - ZDNS) joins together Slovene naturists, who are organized into 3 associations..

The number of members ranges between 800 and 1000 naturists. The associations mostly do not have their own FKK places so we mainly meet in naturist centers in the nearby Croatia and Austria.

There are three  FKK camps in Slovenia:  Camp Dragočajna (located between the cities Ljubljana and Kranj) with the naturist resort separated from the textile park, in the Banovci Spa  in the Northeastern part of the country, and Mali Raj in the souhtern part. 

In Ljubljana naturists gather in different sauna centers and sunbathe on the shores of Sava river.

Since 1988 our ZDNS is a full member of INF. We are regular guests of the international naturists meeting Alpe-Adria (CRO), where we are also very successful in most of the sporting competitions. In October 2021 we organized a World Naturist Congress in Terme Banovci. We are regular participatants at other naturist meetings around Europe.

 Maja Penko

President of ZDNS

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